Wednesday, January 19, 2011


So, no smashing beats from me tonight, though I (we [the Shining Schnook and myself]) have at least two in the works for release soon enough. One's going to be excellent for the following situation: you have slept in a hammock, in a room full of 5-7 other guys (if you're a girl... a room full of girls...? doesn't really work, sorry), and it's time to wake up. You play this song on full blast. The other one is somewhat of a classical bit. Good news is plenty of banging tunes have been winding their way through my head when everything else is quiet, so we'll see where that leads.

Onwards: Phantogram. Electro-pop-ish but slightly heavier and awesomer, refreshingly not boring. Pretty hard hitting at times, kind of eerie at times, epic, with some sick rythmic patterns. Look them up. Perhaps listen to When I'm Small, but literally their entire CD Eyelid Movies is solid. Some other tracks to check out from that CD are Turn it off, and 10000 Claps They record in a barn in New York state, which rocks, and I am jealous.

I'll try to keep you posted on new discoveries as they come along. I'll probably go through the list of bands at SXSW this year a little more soon enough...

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