Monday, June 13, 2011

Benjamin Francis Leftwich

Haven't posted for a while, apologies for that. Thesis has been taking my life over, but that's almost done now.

Today's post is about Benjamin Francis Leftwich. I probably heard about him some 5 months ago, from Seven Sevens, and have absolutely loved everything he has done. Not only are his two EPs amazing, Atlas Hands, and Pictures, but every live recording I've seen is stunning. I usually don't like recorded live music that much, it can be decent, but everything Ben Leftwich does is gold. He sounds as good on a crappy camera and mic as he does from the studio (and he has the same producer as Mumford and Sons, so that's saying a lot).

Anyway, he's a singer songwriter (as dumb as that term is...) who plays guitar, has really messed up teeth, but a brilliant voice that will set you thinking about more important things than who you're eating dinner with.

Some songs to check out:
Box of Stones:
Maps (Live on BalconyTV):
1904 (Live at Mahogany Sessions):
and obviously, Atlas Hands:

Anyway he has a full length Album coming out on July 4th, called Last Smoke Before the Snowstorm, although I'm not sure of availability in the US.

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